Estate Administration and Probate: What You need To Know

After a loved one has passed, their estate must be collected and managed. Managing their estate could become difficult. Ault Law Office, LLC strives to assist you in filing estates to meet yours and the estate's needs, and distribute accordingly to the beneficiary heirs.


What is Estate Administration and the Role of An Executor?

Estate administration involves gathering property, distributing the deceased's assets, and paying all remaining debts. An executor is named in the will to handle the details of the estate. If not one is listed as executor in the will, the court will appoint one. Usually, the surviving spouse or another family member is chosen. The executor is responsible for making sure the deceased's last wishes were granted in terms of their property and possessions.

Serving as the executor of an estate can be time-consuming and stressful. We can assume these responsibilities for you, so you can focus on moving forward after your loved one's passing.


What should you expect from Probate?

Most estates experience probate as part of the estate administration process. During probate, a will is presented and the court ensures that the property is distributing according to the deceased's will.

In most cases, probate is uncontested. However, a family member can contest probate if they believe the will is invalid. Whether probate is contested or uncontested, there are many processes that must be followed.




The inevitable could happen. Are you prepared?

Attorney Andrew Ault can ensure to protect your loved ones and your legacy.